AIDA Interactive

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    Digital Marketing Estimate Questionnaire

    Are you looking to improve your digital marketing efforts? If so, a questionnaire can be a great way to start. By understanding your current practices and goals, you can identify areas for improvement and create a plan of action. The following questionnaire will help you to evaluate your current digital marketing efforts, and identify areas where you may need to make changes or improvements. It covers a variety of topics, including website design, SEO, social media, and email marketing.

    Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Thank you for your time!

    Company Basics

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Company/project name

    What specific services does your company provide?

    What sets your company apart from your competition?

    What are the objectives of the Digital Marketing Strategy?

    Your Current Marketing State

    How does the company prove its credibility?

    How does the company position its products and services in the customers mind?

    Does the company:

    Where do the company speak about the organization and/or its products and services?

    Social Networks

    What social networks do you use?

    What other social networks do you use?

    What are the purposes for which you use social networks?

    How is the social media output currently being released?

    What are your important dates in a year for post publishing?

    Please enter the profiles you want us to manage.

    Please enter the social media profile of your biggest competitors.

    Targeting Audience

    What keywords will your audience use to find your website?

    Please describe your ideal client (age, location, gender, education, ocupations, etc.).

    Do you plan to use our digital marketing strategy in conjunction with your offline campaigns?

    Content Details

    What kind of content can you provide us?

    What other content can you provide?

    How many posts do you think are optimal to publish in a week?

    What do you want us to focus on in each post?

    Evaluation Details

    On what parameters would the performance of the Digital Marketing Strategy be measured?

    What other parameters would you add?

    How often would you like to receive reports?

    Cost and Timeline

    What is your approximate budget for the project?

    What are the anticipated timelines for the project?

    Do You have something to add?
